General School Information
We are legally bound to report absences over 20 days to the Education Welfare Office on a standard form stating child’s name, address, date of birth, P.P.S. number, Parents/Guardians’ names.
All absences should be explained and by keeping the school informed, genuine cases of over twenty days can be explained. Each absence explanation must contain the date of the absence and the reason for the absence. The Aladdin Connect app, which you will download at the start of the school year is the most efficient way of keeping a record of absences. A text will be automatically generated once the roll is taken and you update your child’s attendance/absence explanation via the app.
Explanation is also required, if your child has to leave the school during school hours and or if someone other than the parent or guardian is collecting a child from school. We have to insist on the above rules. The app can be used for the same, and explanations can be sent in advance.
Please encourage your child to come to school every day. Children must not leave the school grounds during the school day for any reason unless written request is received from a parent. Children leaving school early for any reason must be collected at the main school door.
School times:
09.10am: School opens
10.50am-11.05am: Break time
12.20pm-12.50pm: Lunch time
13.50pm: Junior/Senior Infants home time
14.50pm: School ends for all pupils
Parents are advised that the school has no responsibility for children arriving before 09.10am or remaining on the school grounds after official closing time. We encourage children to be on time for school as late arrivals cause disruption to classes and loss of teaching time for children. Parents are also encouraged to collect their children promptly at home time as children can get upset with any delays.
We have a bus service to our school each morning and evening. The bus service is run by the schools transport department in conjunction with Bus Eireann. Parents can apply for the school bus at
Communication of general school matters:
Information on school, community and sporting events, holidays etc. is communicated to parents regularly by Aladdin messages, school letters or notices. In the case of communication by letter, the eldest child in each family receives the letter in order to avoid duplication. We commenced use of the Aladdin communication and management system from the 1st of February 2023. Notification, texts and emails are sent via the system. Letters and documents will be communicated via Aladdin also, to reduce paper waste but anything requiring signatures or of a particularly serious nature will be sent in hard copy when necessary, including the school newsletter. It is important if you change your phone number or email address to notify the school at your earliest convenience.
Class teachers communicate with parents by Aladdin, phone, or letter when necessary, informing parents of relevant matters. Parents are welcome to use the notice board feature of the Aladdin app to contact teachers, phone to arrange an appointment or email the school address at any time. Every effort is made to keep on top of voice messages but often an email or Aladdin notice will be seen quicker as email communications are easily monitored during the teaching day.
We are legally bound to report absences over 20 days to the Education Welfare Office on a standard form stating child’s name, address, date of birth, P.P.S. number, Parents/Guardians’ names.
All absences should be explained and by keeping the school informed, genuine cases of over twenty days can be explained. Each absence explanation must contain the date of the absence and the reason for the absence. The Aladdin Connect app, which you will download at the start of the school year is the most efficient way of keeping a record of absences. A text will be automatically generated once the roll is taken and you update your child’s attendance/absence explanation via the app.
Explanation is also required, if your child has to leave the school during school hours and or if someone other than the parent or guardian is collecting a child from school. We have to insist on the above rules. The app can be used for the same, and explanations can be sent in advance.
Please encourage your child to come to school every day. Children must not leave the school grounds during the school day for any reason unless written request is received from a parent. Children leaving school early for any reason must be collected at the main school door.
School times:
09.10am: School opens
10.50am-11.05am: Break time
12.20pm-12.50pm: Lunch time
13.50pm: Junior/Senior Infants home time
14.50pm: School ends for all pupils
Parents are advised that the school has no responsibility for children arriving before 09.10am or remaining on the school grounds after official closing time. We encourage children to be on time for school as late arrivals cause disruption to classes and loss of teaching time for children. Parents are also encouraged to collect their children promptly at home time as children can get upset with any delays.
We have a bus service to our school each morning and evening. The bus service is run by the schools transport department in conjunction with Bus Eireann. Parents can apply for the school bus at
Communication of general school matters:
Information on school, community and sporting events, holidays etc. is communicated to parents regularly by Aladdin messages, school letters or notices. In the case of communication by letter, the eldest child in each family receives the letter in order to avoid duplication. We commenced use of the Aladdin communication and management system from the 1st of February 2023. Notification, texts and emails are sent via the system. Letters and documents will be communicated via Aladdin also, to reduce paper waste but anything requiring signatures or of a particularly serious nature will be sent in hard copy when necessary, including the school newsletter. It is important if you change your phone number or email address to notify the school at your earliest convenience.
Class teachers communicate with parents by Aladdin, phone, or letter when necessary, informing parents of relevant matters. Parents are welcome to use the notice board feature of the Aladdin app to contact teachers, phone to arrange an appointment or email the school address at any time. Every effort is made to keep on top of voice messages but often an email or Aladdin notice will be seen quicker as email communications are easily monitored during the teaching day.